Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Lengkeng Dataran Rendah

Buah Lengkeng sangat diminati oleh semua orang dan golongan, saat ini lengkeng masih dikategorikan buah mahal dan sulit di produksi, hanya saja saat ini muncul varitas baru yang berkembang dinegara kita / tropis yang telah banyak dikembangkan oleh para petani atau penangkar buah, nah jangan ketinggalan, bahwa pemilihan bibit buah harus didasari dengan kejujuran untuk mendapatkan BIBIT BUAH UNGGUL.
Saatnya kita memuluai menanam buah unggul dinegara kita sendiri.
salam saya


This is the location of the durian fruit Boja - semarang - Indonesia. has a tropical climate and cool to breathe from the bustle of the big city to work.
land area of only 5 ha spread fruit seeds and a variety of excellent fruit seed at this location

This is the fruit of durian fruit as dense max 2 m from the ground and easy to reach on hands ... ohh how the plants you have easy way to do smooth like this ...

Very sweet fruits

However we have to treat employees with simple and easily done by anyone and we enjoy the fruit

You will not believe, the fruit is very sweet, bitter and has a fat and alcohol
Many people ..asia people like this fruits.
1 pcs / 1 fruit have more weight of 6 kg, the fruit is very thorny tune by young people, adults and parents.
but remember do not try - try to eat too much

For Durian Lovers........

Durian For Drink
Easy Peel durian meat in to a blender. Blend it for a short while. Pour the durian puree into a glass of condensed milk – amount of condensed milk according to taste.